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Live Music- Stardust

Daniel Schiltz has been writing songs since he can remember. His solo endeavor STARDUST is a telling account of the most personal events of the singer-songwriter's life from the past several years. From stark self-effacements to honest reflections on the world as he perceives it, Schiltz is telling the story of his life as it unfolds and of his own, personal understanding of life itself, through classic singer-songwriter song structures preformed in a style that blends folk, country, rock and synth. With influences ranging from classic songwriters like Jackson Browne and Bruce Springsteen to more contemporary artists like Angel Olsen and Weyes Blood, STARDUST attempts to forge a little worn path in music by telling a side of the story of humanity not often sung about in contemporary music - speaking from a place of personal inadequacy, existential uncertainty and political and sociological disillusionment.

Here is a link to our new single as well as a link to a video of an acoustic performance of the single:

Single -

Video -

Earlier Event: December 14
Trivia Mafia
Later Event: December 16
Live Music - Nick Hensley